Preplanning For Your Home
You may be represented in your search by a buyer’s agent. Your agent can assist in locating a lot or property that fits your needs and price range. He or she can also help negotiate the deal with the listing agent on your behalf. You pay nothing to be represented by a buyer’s agent. If you opt to handle a property transaction, keep in mind that the listing agent will receive bigger percentage of the selling price and will act on both the seller’s and buyer’s behalf. They are bound by ethics to fairly represent both parties.
We are familiar with most Outer Banks subdivisions and are well-versed in the special covenants that homeowner associations may impose. It’s a good idea to sit down with us before you purchase the lot and discuss these details before making your purchase. We want to help you avoid disappointments and hurdles during the building process begins.
Many customers prefer to establish a working budget before the buying and building process begins. And although we are happy to help you establish guidelines to manage the costs of building on the Outer Banks, it is often premature to create a detailed budget until you have completed the two steps above. Then we can develop a working budget that fits your financial requirements, allows for the features you want in your home, and accounts for additional costs. We strive not to “nickel and dime” our clients, and we make every effort meet your building budget.
Whether you decide to use one of our own stock plans, make adjustments to that, or build custom from the ground up, the first step is to develop a “wish list” for your vacation home: location, square footage, bedrooms and other rooms, and amenities. Divide your list into “must haves” and “would like to haves”. With this wish list in mind, we can help you find an existing plan or develop a custom plan to suit your needs and budget.
There are many excellent architects on the Outer Banks, and we can refer you to one who fits your needs. We will be working with your designer during your building project, and it is advantageous to help you establish relationships with a designer who is qualified and experienced.